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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Artificial Hair Transplantation - FUE Hair Transplant Key

It is a well-known fact that the hair transplant is the only genuine and result oriented solution to baldness. However, the natural hair transplant has some constraints like potential Donor hair supply, your overall well-being, and condition of your scalp. If anyone of these goes wrong, the possibility of successful hair transplant is greatly reduced. In this condition, we may feel helpless as there is no other effective treatment available for a hair transplant.

Hair experts from all around the world have strived a lot to find out a replacement for natural hair transplant and it is known as “Artificial Hair Transplant”. This procedure uses artificial fibers instead of natural hair for hair transplantation.

The artificial fibers are inserted into the skin just like natural hair. This is done with high perfection that no one can identify them. These fibers are made according to your hair type and color and are adjusted properly into your skin.

How is it done?

It is straightforward, minimally invasive and easier procedure as compared to other hair transplant surgeries. It requires some exceptional skills from the surgeon as it is a bit different from a hair transplant.

In the start, a local anesthesia is administered at the bald areas of the scalp. The surgeon careful insert the fibers into the scalp. The fiber is made in a way that they look completely natural. At hair transplant Dubai clinic we use FUE technique for this.

Strength and Durability
  • It is delicate in its take-up in the introductory stage for 7 days.
  • Most extreme care and cleaning is required in the initial period
  • Their lifespan is for just 2 to 3 years.
  • Customary development and cleaning of outside layers are important to expand its lifespan.
  • Additionally, Implant Sessions are performed following 3 – a month on a similar region of the scalp and following 1-2 weeks on the various zone.

You need to take extra care for first few days. The surgeon may recommend having antibiotic treatment.

The newly transplanted fibers never grow in length and numbers as they are artificial. You can start washing your scalp a weak after tour surgery.

Are there side effects

There are no major side effects but you may feel slight swelling in the areas after the surgery.

How long does it take?

It takes almost 2-3 hours for about 500 fibers to implant.

  • It is reasonable for all people who are experiencing male pattern baldness issue.
  • It is the best choice for those people who don't have adequate contributor hair on scalp for FUT or FUE strategy for a hair transplant to reestablish hairs on the grounds that no hair follicles are required for this technique hair rebuilding.
  • It is a decent choice for those patients who are searching for a quick tasteful outcome or a high hair thickness.
  • It is likewise appropriate for those people who are totally uncovered.
  • It isn't prescribed for patients delicate to the fixed test or experiencing other scalp sicknesses.
Benefits of Artificial hair transplant

Artificial hair transplant has several benefits that include

Practical appearance:

The fake hairs are set independently for a reasonable appearance, and they look and style in a route like genuine hairs. The fake hairs can be embedded into a totally uncovered zone or mixed among characteristic developing hairs. Discovery is troublesome, given that there is no skin bothering.

No incisions
Unlike other careful medications for hair rebuilding, the addition of the counterfeit hairs is an extremely basic surgery, and there are no cuts expected to reap contributor follicles or move the scalp.

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