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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Hair Loss - Cause, Prevention, and Treatment

Hair loss is very common, affecting around 50 million men and 30 million women in the U.S. Around half of the men will have some hair loss when they turn 50. Male pattern baldness isn't hazardous, however, it can have pulverizing mental impacts, especially in women.


There is not a single cause of hair loss issues but it can be triggered by several factors. Individuals ordinarily lose around 100 hairs every day. This, for the most part, doesn't cause a recognizable diminishing of scalp hair in light of the fact that new hair is developing in the meantime. Male pattern baldness happens when this cycle of hair development and shedding is disturbed or when the hair follicle is wrecked and supplanted with scar tissue.

Hair loss is normally identified with at least one of the following factors:

Family history (heredity)

The most widely recognized reason for male pattern baldness is an inherited condition called male-design sparseness or female-design hair sparseness. It ordinarily happens step by step with maturing and in unsurprising examples — a subsiding hairline and bare spots in men and diminishing hair in ladies.

Hormonal Imbalance

An assortment of conditions can cause perpetual or transitory male pattern baldness, including hormonal changes because of pregnancy, labor, menopause and thyroid issues. Restorative conditions incorporate Alopecia Areata, which causes inconsistent male pattern baldness, scalp diseases, for example, ringworm and a hair-pulling issue called trichotillomania.


Hair loss can be a reaction of specific medications, for example, those utilized for malignancy, joint inflammation, dejection, heart issues, gout, and hypertension.


Numerous individuals encounter a general diminishing of hair a while after a physical or enthusiastic stun.

Over styling

Hairstyles that force your hair tight, for example, ponytails or cornrows, can cause a kind of hair loss called traction alopecia. Hot oil hair medications and permanents can cause aggravation of hair follicles that prompts hair fall. In the case of scarring, hair loss could be lasting.


Most hair loss is caused by hereditary qualities (Androgenic Alopecia). This kind of male pattern baldness isn't preventable.

These tips may enable you to stay away from preventable sorts of male pattern baldness:

  • Maintain a strategic distance from tight haircuts, for example, interlaces, buns or pigtails.
  • Stay away from enthusiastically curving, rubbing or pulling your hair.
  • Treat your hair delicately when washing and brushing. A wide-toothed brush may help forestall hauling out hair.
  • Avoid brutal medications, for example, hot rollers, hair curling accessories, hot oil medicines and permanents.
  • Abstain from medicines and supplements that could cause balding.
  • Shield your hair from daylight and different wellsprings of bright light.
  • Quit smoking. A few investigations demonstrate a relationship amongst smoking and hair loss in men.

In the event that you are being treated with chemotherapy, get some information about a cooling top. This top can decrease your danger of losing hair during chemotherapy.

Treatment Options

There are numerous treatment options available to conquer hair loss and hair thinning. Choosing the suitable technique for your specific hair loss is the key to a successful hair restoration procedure.
Here are the top most effective treatment options.

Surgical hair restoration

Surgical hair restoration is the most viable and effective treatment for hair loss till date. It gives natural and long-lasting results that no other treatment can provide. There are two techniques of performing a surgical hair restoration. Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

Follicular Unit Hair Transplant

The state of art technology in which a strip of follicular units is extracted from the donor area of the scalp. The strip is then divided into smaller follicular units and place at the areas where baldness occurs.

Follicular Unit Extraction

In FUE, singular follicular units are extracted from the donor areas and placed at the recipient areas. This is a bit lesser invasive technique as comparing FUT and provide better outcomes, though a little expensive as compared to FUT.

Non-surgical treatments

There are some alternative treatments that are essential in getting back a good amount of hair. These can also be used with a hair transplant to boost the outcomes.

Acell/PRP therapy for hair loss

Acell is an FDA approved a technology that is vital for restoring damaged tissues. It fundamentally works to regenerate dormant follicles, ultimately enhancing hair growth. The ACell + PRP combination injections are injected into the scalp where the hair is thinning. This procedure takes about ninety minutes. It provides with a boost of some much-needed growth factors to the scalp and helps the follicles in gaining strength.

Laser Hair Therapy

Laser hair therapy is one of the most effective additions to the hair restoration procedures. It is one of the latest non-surgical procedure to restore hairs due to hair-loss. It has minimum side effects and has a painless nontoxic procedure with highly successful results.

Hair loss treatments in Dubai

At hair transplant Dubai clinic, we provide all surgical and non-surgical treatments for each and every hair loss condition. If you are going through hair loss and seeking for the best possible remedy for that, have a session with our experts to choose the best treatment for your specific condition. Just fill in a form on our website and our representatives will hear you back soon.

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